My precious girls!

Bella and Gracie in their matching dresses!
( Gracie's idea which I think is PRECIOUS!)

Momma and Boo

Checking out the loot from the Easter Bunny

WOW Cool stuff EB!
We had such a blessed and amazing Easter Sunday. We hosted it at our house and had the blessing of having Josh's mom and dad and his grandparents, my parents, my sister and her family, my grandmother and my great aunt! It was a full house and I would have not had it any other way! We enjoyed a great meal, several ATV rides ( even my grandmother went on one!), and of course an egg hunt. My only disappointment is I was a terrible photographer and got very few pictures! We are blessed people to serve a Savior who loves us enough to die for us and rise again! Thanks for a great reason to celebrate with our amazing family!