The weather people here crack me up! They get so dramatic over winter weather! Now granted Monday night a big ice Storm moved in- in fact we have been snowed in since Monday night! Daddy has been able to stay home from work so Mommy has loved having him home again! Yesterday Daddy decided we needed to get the 4-wheelers out and go for a ride mommy was not sure but he convinced her to wrap and go! As you can see from the pictures I was bundled from head to toe and it was FREEZING and sleeting so not so pleasant but very fun! I included a picture of Bella and how she has been spending the storm snug in her bassinet! Also a fun on of her cute bib that like everything else is too big!
Yuck! you got a real ice storm. We had the texas version last night/this morning, but thankfully the sun is out and it's all melting!
I am a tad jealous of the ice/snow. We thought we would have some at the Goff's cabin, but we didn't. Hope you are enjoying the family time. Love you!
I have to say I would welcome snow for a change! Unfortunately, the lst time it snowed here in Florida brennen was 19 months old and would you believe that I was in PA during that time??? It was Christmas Eve and everyones dinner was getting messed because the power co. kept shutting off the power due to overload!!
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