My first Mother's Day was extra special not only did I get to celebrate being a mom to the most beautiful little girl but it was ALSO Bella's Baby Dedication at church. I was very belsed to have all my family there and Josh's parents as we made the commitment to raise Bella in a Christian home and hopefully one day she will make the decison to follow Christ on her own. I was overwhlemed with thankfulness as we celebrated to very special occasions. I have many wonderful female examples of great moms in my life- 2 amazing sisters, a great mom, an amazing grandmother and many wonderful friends! We love you all and hope you had special and wonderful Mother's Days! Only one thing was missing and that was my sister Becca and her family! Bec- I love you and can't wait to see you soon!
Happy Mother's Day. Wish I could have been there to celebrate Bella's dedication with you all. Looks like you had a great day-I'm so happy for you. My dad brought my mom to church (he knew how much I wanted that) Jon, some Elders, and close friends prayed over my parents and I after the service. I really appreciated that. They went home after church. Dan and I had the Wimberly's and Dunwell's over for lasagna and swimming after church. It was a nice mother's day :-) Brennen left this morning for Osaka, Japan and will return 6/2. Rachelle is counting her days left as a highschooler and graduates 5/29. I will be sending you her senior picture soon!!!! Love and miss you a bunch my sweet friend!
What a wonderful way to celebrate Mother's Day, dedicating Bella. Love you and it was great talking for a short time.
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