Bella is half a year old oh my goodness where has the time gone! I never believed parents when they said times goes by so fast but oh my I am going to blink and then I will be sending her off to school! For now I enjoy every minute she is such a happy baby laughing out loud, rolling everywhere, trying to crawl, eating cereal, loves to play in her bouncer/exersaucer ( thanks for letting us use it Stephanie!), and overall just a real joy! She is the center of the world and we are trying not to spoil her rotten, she has her daddy wrapped around her finger and lights up when he is in sight! OK enough rambling the photos are her Father's Day/6 month photo shoot these are my faves but they were all PRECIOUS just like Bella!
What a cutie! Give her a big hug and kiss from me! I miss you. Pray for me today if you think about it, it's my mom's bday and it is a difficult day for me. I will be heading to their house after work on wed. to celebrate with her! Thanks
I love the pics. She is so adorable! I really need to come meet her and hold sweet Bella. Time does go by fast doesn't it?
Such cute pictures!! She is absolutely beautiful and I can't believe she is 6 months old already! wow!!
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