Thursday, December 4, 2008

TIs The Season!

Oh I love this time of year! I love thanksgiving day and the start of it all I love getting up at 3 am to shop with my mom, sisters, and aunt, I love decorating our house and all the white lights , I love it all! This year due to being 32 weeks pregnant I have to say I am not quite up to speed and am doing a little less- all for good reason but still a struggle to slow down for someone who lives life on the GO! Anyways as we all start this crazy busy season I hope we take time to remember the Reason for the Season! We blessed people and I hope I never loose sight of all the many wonderful gifts I have in my life- a wonderful husband, an amazing family, a fabulous job, and a precious baby on the way! Oh we can't wait to see her!

1 comment:

Valarie Daly said...

Betsy.....I didn't know you had a blog started!! You never mentioned it the last couple times we talked and I'm the one that was pushing (encouraging) you to start one!!! I'm so happy my friend is a blogger now! :-) Yea! Rub your belly for me since I'm not there and tell little Bella her Aunt Valarie can't wait for her to get here!! Love Ya lots!