Friday, July 10, 2009

Vacation to Aunt Becca's and Uncle Mike's

We had a great visit to Mississippi/Memphis to visit my sister and her family! Monday the 6th was Becca's birthday so we spent the day shopping of course what else do sisters and nieces do plus Mimi sent Birthday money for Bec and we had to ensure she spent it on herself! Then we celebrated with dinner at Red Robin and cake and ice cream. Tuesday we swam and hung out/cooked out steaks and went to the park and to Baskins Robbins for ice cream. Wed. we spent the afternoon at incredible pizza and then had famous Memphis bar-b-q for dinner! We had a great visit and even got to bring Noah home with us for a visit! Bella loved seeing Aunt Becca and Uncle Mike, Ryan and Noah they had not seen her since she was in the hospital at Christmas so they were shocked at how much she has grown. Mattie was so fun and loved being with Bella even gave her a new nickname Junebug as well as dressed alike for our shopping outing! Such great memories thanks mom and dad for making it possible for us to go we cherish the memories and miss the Hayters already!

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